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Track and Trace API: Status standardization across airlines
Track and Trace API: Status standardization across airlines

How do CargoAi handle the various carrier event nomenclature?

Remi Giudicelli avatar
Written by Remi Giudicelli
Updated over a week ago

Once you have subscribed to our Track & Trace API, you'll start working on your internal status mapping.

A frequent question is whether CargoAi's status updates are already standardized across all airlines that CargoAi has an intergration with.

The answer is YES!

We complete the standardization for you so that you don't have to do it yourself.

In the following example this should become clearer:

Airline 1 status = Picked_up_from_Shipper

Airline 2 status = Collected_from_Shipper

CargoAi standardizes both and labels them as = RCS: Received from Shipper

Hope this helps you with your integration!

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