Together with our financial partners, we regularly review the countries, type of industries and activities we can service to help ensure we’re meeting regulatory requirements, mitigating the risk of financial crime, and importantly helping to make sure our CargoWALLET clients can operate safely.
CargoWALLET does not offer services to customers located in restricted countries or businesses involved in prohibited industries which are as follows:
Afghanistan | Albania | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Croatia | Kosovo | Montenegro |
North Macedonia | Serbia | Slovenia |
Belarus | Burundi | Central African Republic |
Cuba | Crimea | Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) |
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) | Iran | Iraq |
Lebanon | Libya | Mali |
Myanmar | Russia | Somalia |
Sudan and Darfur | South Sudan | Syria |
Ukraine | Venezuela | Yemen |
Zimbabwe |
Adult entertainment, website or contents
Affiliation with religious, political or social campaigning
Counterfeit items
Credit repair services
Drugs or drug proprietors selling illegal substances
Drug paraphernalia
Espionage equipment and accessories
Gambling providers or transactions including games of chance
Human remains and body parts
Illegal or unlicensed investment schemes
Illegal downloads of movies, music, computer and video games
Illegal or unlicensed sale of software
Illegal or unlicensed sale of financial information
Mail order brides services
Money changers
Online pharmacies, sales of prescription drugs/devices online
Outbound telemarketing
Pawn shops
Poisonous and hazardous materials
Products/Services promoting abuse, hatred, racism, religious persecution, terrorism, violence or contain offensive content
Pyramid or ponzi schemes
Sanction list inclusions (global)
Selling of likes/followers for social media
Shell banks and companies
Signal Jammers/Blockers that interferes with cellular/communication devices
Stolen goods including digital and virtual goods
Surrogacy services
Tattoo parlours or massage parlours
Tobacco / Cigar / Electronic Cigarette / Nicotine products
Trade of weapons, ammunition, military arms, explosive devices and firearm parts
Unlicensed tax, accounting and legal firms
*This list may not reflect the latest status and is meant to serve as a guide and is non-exhaustive.