There is a CargoAi eQuote from a forwarder pending your response.
If you do not have a CargoAi airline account, just locate the CargoAi email from in your email Inbox :
(Please see hereunder sample CargoAi email)
You should see a screen similar to the above screenshot.
Click SEE REQUEST to see the quote request
Click EDIT FLIGHT if you want to offer an alternative flight to forwarder
Click EDIT RATE if you want to send a different rate to forwarder
Click CHAT if you want to chat with the forwarder
Click ACCEPT or REJECT QUOTE to accept or reject the forwarder's quote request
You can use the CHAT option, area circled in green, to chat with the forwarder.
Type your response in area circled in red.
Select ENTER or click the arrow icon (circled in green) to send your response.
Microsoft Edge minimum version 79
FireFox (latest version)
Chrome (latest version)
If further information or assistance is required, please email with any queries you might have and we will do our best to assist.
We hope you find this article useful!
Note: Images shown here are for illustrative purposes only.
CargoAi reserves the right to change the actual screen layout without prior notice.