If you have existing Market and/or Contract rate lists which you would like to upload and use, you can upload them to our system via your Airline Account or by using this Link (https://www.cargoai.co/market-rate-upload/)
Pls follow hereunder steps to create the require rates sheet for upload.
A. Rate template (IMPORTANT)
Only rates with valid dates will be uploaded. Expired rates will not be displayed.
To ensure that your uploaded rate files can be integrated quickly, it needs to have the following format:
Here is the rates template in case you need it --> Rates Template October 2024.xlsx
The fields are (respectively):
*Status (Default shows ACTIVE)
Options are ACTIVE, INACTIVE*Rate Type (Default shows MARKET RATE)
IATA CASS is required only for CONTRACT rates. This has 11 numbers; e.g. 1234567-1234*Airline (2 letter airline code)
Country - Origin country
*Origin (3 letter IATA Code)
*Destination (3 letter IATA Code)
Options are General Cargo / Perishable / Dangerous Goods / Live Animals / Pharmaceuticals / Valuables, Express, Human Remains, Others
(AVI, DGR, DGX, PER/FRESH, GCR, HUM/LHO, PHARM, VAL/VUN, XPS, etc.)Prod Code - Special product codes/names specified by airline for their commodities
SHC - Special Handling Codes where you can specify XPS for express or PAX and CAO for commodity Dangerous Goods
Service (Default shows ALL)
Options are ALL, LD, MD, NBDensity (Default shows 1:6)
Options are 1:6, <1:5, <1:4, <1:3, <1:2FlightNo (Default shows ALL)
This is the Flight Number.
Options are XXNNNN (where XX is the airline code and NNNN are the numeric flight numberDay (Default shows 1234567)
Indicate days when flight is available (where 1 is monday, 2 is tuesday, etc.)ULD Type
Options are LDP, MDP, AKE*Start Date
(input in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-03-28)*End Date
(input in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-10-30)*Min-amount (Minimum amount)
Norm-pivotWeight (Normal amount)
45-overPivot (Rates +45kg)
100-maxWeight (Rates +100kg)
300 + kg
500 + kg
1000 + kg
3000 + kg
*Currency (E.g. EUR, USD, etc.)
Fuel Surcharge (per KG)
Security Surcharge (per KG)
Miscellaneous charges (per KG)Seller IATA CASS
(Leave this blank - 11 numbers; e.g. 1234567-1234)Remarks - Airline remarks showing additional info about the rate, e.g. routing info, aircraft type info, etc.
Ref - Airline rate info or identifier that can help us trace the original airline raw rates
ID (Leave this BLANK/EMPTY)
Note that:
'*' indicates MANDATORY fields
Norm-pivotWeight = 0 to 45 kg
All fields MUST have the EXACT spelling as shown in the rates template and information above.
Do not type any words within the rates section between columns Min-amount to 3000 (example circled in white in hereunder screenshot example):
If the Market/Contract rate files being uploaded are not in the above format, it will take a while before they can be integrated on our platform for your use.
We do apologize for the delay.
B. Market rates
RENAME your Market rate file/s by adding "Market" in front of filename.
Select the 'rates' menu at the top of the screen and upload the file/s using the PDF/XLSX box.
C. Contract rates
Rename your Contract rate file/s by adding "Contract" in front of filename.
Ensure you ADD your **IATA CASS in the table/rate list.
Select the 'rates' menu at the top of the screen and upload the file/s using the PDF/XLSX box.
IMPORTANT: The rates data being uploaded needs to be in PDF/XLSX format
Login to your Airline Account
Select RATES from the pull-down menu
Navigate to the location of your rate file and select it
You should see your rate sheet file name (please see hereunder example)
To ensure that your uploaded rate files can be integrated quickly, it would be good to have them formatted as shown in point A above.
E. Upload Rates and Terms & Conditions
Upload the rates to our system by using this Link (https://www.cargoai.co/market-rate-upload/)
Input the 2 letter Airline Code
Select option 'Choose a file' to select the required formatted rates file to upload
Once file is selected, the filename will appear in the 'Name'
Remember to paste the Terms & Conditions in the box
Select the arrow pointing to the LEFT
Complete the information and click SUBMIT once you are ready to send.
You will see hereunder once your rates and terms & conditions have been successfully submitted:
Your rate sheet will be uploaded to us and published as soon as possible.
We hope you find this article useful!
Note: Images shown here are for illustrative purposes only.
CargoAi reserves the right to change the actual screen layout without prior notice.